11月16号 尊敬的战友们,11月14号我们在华盛顿挺川大游行活动的升旗仪式中,一直有上天神灵之光的护佑,这道神光一直在护佑着我们新中国联邦的信仰之旗冉冉升起,从未间断。这不是自然现象,这就是神力,这就是天力,这就是我们信仰之星旗帜的力量!上天万佛万神一直和我们在一起!这是我们爆料革命得天意,新中国联邦得万佛万神的护佑,这又是一次传奇和神奇!

November 16th Dear fellow fighters ,on the 14th Nov “Million MAGA March” when we were rising our national flag, the Divine Light of Heaven was protecting us all the time .This glory light was never interrupted during the raising of our New Federal State of China National Flag.This is not from the nature , but the power of God . This is the power of our national flag with the star of belief, and all the Buddhas and Gods are always with us. It means that our Whistleblower Movement is blessed by God. New Federal State of China is blessed by all the Buddhas and Gods. This is another legend and miracle!
