10月18日 班农接受澳洲Skynews采访:《纽约邮报》曝光的第一封电邮显示亨特·拜登曾试图为乌克兰能源公司Burisma高管与其父乔·拜登-时任美国副总统安排晚宴,但乔·拜登一直在公开场合-包括和川普总统的公开辩论中,否认Burisma事件的真实性,并坚称其家族从未与中共国有过关联,因此这封邮件可以证明乔·拜登一直在向美国人民撒谎

Oct 18, Bannon Interviewed with Skynews: 1st email message released by the New York Post showing that Hunter Biden was trying to arrange a dinner for executives of the Ukraine energy company, Burisma; however Joe Biden has been denying that in public, even in his public debate with the President Trump and also claimed publicly that his family has nothing to do with China. This email can verify that Joe Biden has been lying to the Americans all the time.