10月18日 班农先生接受澳洲Skynews采访:介绍硬盘的来历,苹果电脑店老板在无法联络到电脑主人后首先联系了FBI,但FBI未作应答,电脑店老板才把遭人遗弃的电脑和硬盘交给了朱利安尼市长和律师;硬盘里面的内容和中共在澳洲渗透政客及金融同出一辙

Bannon Interviewed with Skynews: Harddrives - Mac repair store owner approached to FBI first since the Mac pro was not picked up for 6 months, then he approached to FBI without any response, he then managed to find his way to Rudy Giuliani and his lawyer; the contents in the harddrives are the same with the screenplay in Australia where CCP deeply and broadly infiltrated Australian elites, financially and politically