
1, 我想介绍一下这个新概念 - 超限生化武器。它远超传统意义上的生化武器,来自于中共国军科医学研究院,即中共国军事科学院,军事医学研究院。

2, 只要有中共军方的病毒骨架, 也就是舟山蝙蝠冠状病毒, 他们可以轻易在实验室制造出SARS-CoV-2, 并且,这是一场大规模、有组织的造假行为, 涉及了整个科学界以及同行评审的期刊。他们帮助了中国共产党。

3, 最后我想告诉大家的是: 这是一个生化武器, 而且是一个现代化的超限生化武器。所以大家要明白,我们现在正遭受超限生化战的荼毒,超限生物战已经攻陷了整个世界。

Oct 8, War Room interviews Dr Yan:

1, I want to introduce this concept - unrestricted bio-weapon. This is far beyond traditional concept of bio-weapon from the China AMMS, Which is China Academy of the Military Medical Science.

2, Just need the backbone from China military using the Zhoushan bat coronavirus. They can make the SARS-Cov-2 in their lab. And also, this is a large scale of organized fabrication, involving the scientific world, and the peer-reviewed journals.

3, But finally I want to address to people that since this is a bio-weapon, and it is a modern bio-weapon in unrestricted way, so you have to understand, now you are suffering the unrestricted bio-war which is attacking all over the world.