10月6日,英雄科学家闫丽梦博士接受 Fox 塔克·卡尔森采访 闫博士:“首先,我要感谢每一个关心我的家庭的人。我以前没提及过此事,但现在我第一次告诉大家。这已经是第四次,我的母亲,一位 63 岁的教师,被中共抓走了。我妈妈没有做错任何事情,中共抓我妈妈去北京的唯一理由就是因为我说出了中共病毒的真相,这让中共政府感到非常愤怒,他们的所作所为就是想让我沉默。”

Oct 6, Dr. Li-Meng Yan: “First, I want to thank everyone who cares about my family. I didn’t mention it before, but now it’s the first time I want to tell people that this is the 4th time my mom, a 63-year-old teacher, got arrested by the Chinese Communist Party. My mom has done nothing wrong. The only thing they arrest my mom and send her to Beijing is because I tell the truth of COVID-19, which the Chinese government feels angry about. What they have done is to try to make me silent.”