September 29th, greetings to our fellow fighters! This is the disinformation spread by Bob Fu (傅希秋) in Washington, US these days, which is a complete falsification, distortion and frame up of myself, our Whistleblower Movement and our actions to clean up the CCP’s spies in the US. Fu Xiqiu, he must respond to the people in the US and around the world whether he is a member of the CCP! Is he a member of the CCP? Who’s given him the authority to represent the Chinese Christianity and Catholic? Who has provided him with millions of dollars of donation every year from the CCP, and where has all the money gone? We’ve launched our peaceful demonstrations according to the US laws while he’s sent forged documents to these US Congressmen to whom he’s made donations. He’s been spreading rumors and threatening us. This is a legitimate fight to take down the CCP’s spies. We must continue our fight and keep it up till the revelation of the truth!