9月26日,战斗室特别节目:中共要用低成本,甚至是零成本的方式,搞死美国、搞乱美国,这就是所谓的3F计划在美国, 有超过20万人因冠状病毒丧命,中共在病毒问题上撒了谎,你们需要去找出真相,只有福克斯采访了闫博士, 她是们的英雄,是她告诉了我们病毒真相

September 26, War Room: The CCP wants low cost, nearly no cost that can kill America, weak America, this is called 3F program. I, in the conference in 2017 in DC, I talked about this. We have now crossed over 200,000 in the United States. The CCP lies on virus, you need to find out the truth. Only fox tried and interviewed Dr. Yan, our hero, gives you the truth.