9月24日 CNN采访闫丽梦博士:“我的发现及其科学依据已经在报告中展现了。这些证据显示SARS-CoV-2病毒并非源于自然,而是来自于由中共掌控的实验室。在经过了一系列的实验室改造后,中共利用他们所熟练掌握的技术,用特殊的方法进行了改造。最终,形成了高传染性、且致命的SARS-Cov-2病毒。CCP释放了这个病毒,他们完全知情。我之所以来到美国,是因为我相信美国可能是最好的国家,也是唯一一个能以这种方式主导对于中共进行追责的国家。”

September 24, CNN interviews Dr. Li-Meng Yan: “My finding is shown in the scientific report with scientific evidences. They tell people that SARS-CoV-2 virus is not from nature and it is just from the lab which under the Chinese Communist Party’s control. After a series of lab modification,the CCP use the techniques they are good at and using the specific ways. Finally, it become high(ly) contagious and also lethal SARS-CoV-2 virus. The CCP unleashed it and they knew it. The reason I came to USA because I believe US maybe the best country, the only country in the world, who can in this way. They can be the leader to try to bring Chinese Communist Party accountable.”
