9月20日John Catsimatidis 采访闫博士:病毒是从实验室制造并故意释放出来的。虽然难以找到解药或疫苗,但使用羟氯喹预防最为实际。中共掩盖疫情真相导致真实死亡人数永远无法知晓。只有追究中共的责任、彻查中共实验室才能彻底解决疫情

September 20, John Catsimatidis interviews Dr. Yan: The virus was lab-made and intentionally released. Although it is difficult to develop antidotes or vaccines, Hydroxychloroquine is most useful for prevention. No one would know the real death toll in China as the CCP covered up the truth. The only solution for the pandemic is to hold the CCP accountable and thoroughly investigate the CCP ‘s labs.