9月18日Newsmax 主持人 肖恩·斯派塞 Sean Spicer 采访闫丽梦博士


闫博士:好吧,虽然一直就有(病毒)源于自然的言论, 但却没有提供实证, 而且至今没有有力证据证明病毒来自于自然。因此我想告诉人们,病毒一定来自实验室,而且这不是意外泄漏。正如我在Tucker的节目中讲道的那样,是的,冠状病毒是(中共)故意释放的

September 18, Newsmax host Sean Spicer interviews Dr. Yan Host: So, if I had to nail you down and say what degree of certainty do you have that this came from the lab from 0% to 100%, 100% meaning of unequivocally came out of a lab in Wuhan, what percentage would you put on that?

Dr. Yan: Okay, although there always argues about the nature origins since and without solid evidence even without any useful evidence now. And I still want to tell people that this is definitely come from the lab and it is not by accident. As I said in Tucker show last time . Yes, this is (released) intentionally.
