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Series of CCP’s Running Dogs

Bob Fu, the double agent for God or for the devil?

Author: Fan Matisse

Midland City Protest—

Why did protesters show up in front of Bob Fu’s Midland residence?

Oct. 7, 2020

Local Midland news outlet reports a case with this headline:

‘Bob Fu Protesters Continue in Midland’

It opens with:

“October 7 marked the third day that protesters lined up outside ChinaAid founder Bob Fu’s home, claiming that he is a Chinese communist spy.’

‘Why are protesters gathering outside Mr. Bob Fu’s house in Midland Texas,’ the reporter asked.

The news outlet was surprised why there were protesters targeting a ‘pious’ pastor and religious activist like Mr. Bob Fu.

Well, if they have done as much research as I did, they would understand why.


Midland Mayor Patrick Payton obviously is sympathetic to Mr. Bob Fu, who founded a human rights non-profit organization, China Aid Association Inc., to provide legal assistance to persecuted Christians in China.

Mayor Payton said ‘protesters would be arrested if they stepped onto Fu’s property or the properties of his neighbors.’

Has mayor Payton conducted any investigation on these protesters before he made such a hasty decision?

Why did mayor Payton act so fast in holding a press release condemning these protesters?

To me, these protesters look quite peaceful in comparison with Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

Why did Midland mayor Payton eagerly side with Mr. Bob Fu?

Who is Patrick Payton?

Mayor Payton is not like Mr. Bob Fu who has a long wikipedia page. The few paragraphs of introduction I could find are on a webpage saying,

‘Patrick Payton served as the founding and Senior Pastor of Stonegate Fellowship, a multi-site congregation with over 5,000 in attendance, in Midland, Texas from 1999 through the Fall of 2018.’


Before Patrick Payton ran for mayor, he was a pastor for Stonegate Fellowship Church, a pastor, just like Mr. Bob Fu.


In Aug. 2020, it was reported that

‘The Rev. Patrick Payton, who has led Stonegate Fellowship since the church’s inception in 1999, on Sunday told his congregations in Midland and Odessa that he is resigning as senior pastor.’


I wonder what was the real reason for Mr. Payton to resign as a pastor from a church he founded.

Up until this writing, Mr. Payton’s Linkedin page still says his job is a ‘‘podcast host at No Neutral Moments, The Payton Group LLC.’

So, mayor Payton became the President and CEO of The Payton Group LLC in 2018, after his resignation from the Stonegate Fellowship Church.

However, when was the company The Payton Group founded?

According to ‘Bizapedia’, The Payton Group LLC was founded in May 2013, and the principal is Patrick Payton from Midland, Texas.

So, who was running this company before 2018?

Just asking for a friend.🤗

In 2016, while Mr. Payton was still a senior pastor at Stonegate Fellowship, his church made news.

‘The largest bar in Odessa will now become one of the largest churches in Odessa.’

Stonegate Fellowship raised $6 million , with $3 million to buy and $3 million to renovate a night club in Odessa, Texas, according to Stonegate pastor Chad Bullard.


Why did mayor Payton side with Mr. Bob Fu 3 days after the protesters showed up in front of Mr. Fu’s house?

Is there any relationship between China Aid Association which Mr. Fu founded and Stonegate Fellowship Church, where mayor Payton used to serve as a pastor?

The link lies in another pastor- Mr. Chad Bullard.

Starting 2014, pastor Chad Bullard appeared on the Board of Directors of China Aid Association as a non-paying director.

In Sept. 12, 2014, Mr. Chad Bullard was interviewed by a podcast as a pastor for Stonegate Fellowship Church in Odessa, Texas.


Coincidentally, Mr. Bullard has been active with missions of rescuing Asian Christians, especially those in China, just like Mr. Bob Fu.

October 29, 2013: on a Congress hearing in support of Guo Feixiong(郭飛雄), a Chinese human rights lawyer, who was arrested in China,

Mr. Bob Fu has thanked Mr. Chad Bullard to show up at the hearing. It proved that pastor Chad Bullard is the same person who’s working at Stonegate Fellowship Church.

Thanks for confirming, Mr. Fu. I was thinking whether or not it’s the same Mr. Bullard. So, it’s the same person.

Now we know Mr. Bob Fu has been working closely with Stonegate Fellowship Church since 2013.

At that time, pastor Patrick Payton, the present Midland mayor, was still serving Stonegate Fellowship as a senior pastor.

In Mr. Fu’s testimony, he clearly pointed out pastor Bullard was working for Stonegate Fellowship Church.

So, the two organizations, China Aid and Stonegate Fellowship must have built a working relationship at least since 2013.

Now we know why mayor Payton, the founder and senior pastor, jumped up in defense for his close friend, Mr. Bob Fu, or Xiqiu Fu(傅希秋)


Ok, you might say this is my wild guess. Perhaps pastor Payton never knew pastor Chad Bullard was on the Board of Mr. Fu’s organization China Aid.

You know I never wild guess because I have a compulsive disorder in finding solid evidence by myself. Truth matters.

In this article from Reuters in 2012, it said in plain language:

‘“The one-child policy does greatly concern us,” said Patrick Payton, senior pastor at Stonegate Fellowship Church and a close friend of Fu’s who has traveled with him to Washington to meet with lawmakers and diplomats.

Actually, Mr. Patrick Payton and Mr. Bob Fu have been close friends since 2012.


Did mayor Payton disclose this fact when he was condemning the protesters outside Mr. Fu’s house?

One final thought. I was hoping to find some photos with Mr. Bob Fu and mayor Payton standing side by side but couldn’t.

I thought Mr. Fu has a habit of showing off pictures with him standing side by side with big name politicians, such VP Mike Pence or Senators.

The odd thing is you can’t find any photo of Mr. Bob Fu standing together with his close friend, mayor Patrick Payton on the internet. Why is that?

So, I had to make one myself.😤


(End of Part 2- Bob Fu: the double agent for God or for the devil?)